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Saturday, February 5, 2011

unlock password protect mmc card

Well its quite simple but most of the people do not know it. Please note the fact that it only works if the password to the MMC Card was set in ur own mobile,where u want it to be unlocked. This method works well for nokia cells with symbian operating system.Never tried on other cells.use any software like FXplorer that can browse files in ur cell. 1. Open one of above software you have. 2. Browse through the directory,...

convert your pc p4 to p5 or others


Tips for vista users

1, Increase external USB hard drive per­formance. By default, USB storage devices have write caching totally disabled primarily so you can unplug them without bothering with the Safety Remove Software icon in the Tray. Al­though this is handy for flash drives, it significantly slows down external usb drives . First, plug in your external USB drive, right-click Computer in the Start menu, and choose Properties. Then, click...

Hacking laws !!!!!

Computer Hacking Laws: Are These Laws Really Effective?The news said that another person had their identity stolen. It happened again. You might even know of someone that had it happen to them. We often hear of percentages - and they are surprisingly high. window.google_render_ad(); Enforcement is taking place, but we have to wonder if computer hacking laws are really having any effect against cyber hacking....

Hacking history

Hacking History One of the primary places computer hacking originated was at MIT during the late Fifties and Sixties. A group of students, many of who came from the Tech Model Railroad Club (which had an incredibly complicated switching system for its model railroad) were able to use a couple MIT computers very late at night. So they started to write programs. Showing how hierarchical computer access was, one computer (an...

TOP 10 usb tricks (pen drive)

10 Tricks With A USB Thumb Drive Any ordinary USB memory device can do a lot more than you probably thought it could. It can carry programs, encryption and even a full installation of Windows XP! Here is our tenlist for the coolest things you can do with a USB thumb drive: 1) Take your programs with you We all know how frustrating...

Top 7 firefox addons

Foxmarks If you use more than one computer then Foxmarks might become handy as it keeps your bookmarks and passwords (optionally) synchronized. Adblock Plus This is a must-have add-on for Firefox. Many sites have annoying flash ads in them. Not anymore - Adblock plus blocks them all! Sxipper Tired of filling in various web forms and all the spam you get on your e-mail? This add-on automatically fills in registration forms...

Display the shutdown menu when button is pressed

By default, your Windows XP will shut down when the Power button is pressed. It’s a good idea to change it so that the shutdown menu is opened instead, especially if you have little kids running around the house. It’s quite easy to change it: Step 1:Go to your Windows XP’s desktop and right-click it. Select “Properties” and the Display...

Clear BIOS password

TRICK TO REMOVE BIOS PASSWORD HERE WE STARTS:- At command prompt type debug you will get a - prompt where you can type the fallowing (<enter> means hit enter, not type enter*) A <ENTER> MOV AX,0 <ENTER> MOV AX,CX <ENTER> OUT 70,AL <ENTER> MOV AX,0 <ENTER> OUT 71,AL <ENTER> INC CX <ENTER> CMP CX,100 <ENTER> JB 103 <ENTER> INT 20 <ENTER> <ENTER> just...

create your own virus using note pad

<strong>Simple Virus in notepad</strong> This is a simple virus that formats HDD. Write The Following In Notepad Exactly as it says 01001011000111110010010101010101010000011111100000 Save As An EXE Any Name Will Do Send the EXE to People And Infect WARNING: I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU DO WITH THIS!!! 2nd virus If you think that notepad is useless then you are wrong because you can now do a lot of things...

make ur xp talking

it is easy to make win xp takling just open notepad then copy the this.. Dim msg, sapi msg=InputBox("Enter your text","Talk it") Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") sapi.Speak msg and save it .vbs extension then run the file enter the text then its done its really cool...

hide your turn off icon from ur xp

Disable shutdown icon from start menu digg_title = "Disable shutdown icon from start menu"; var sburl9519 = window.location.href; var sbtitle9519 = document.title;digg_title = "Disable shutdown icon from start menu"; var sbtitle9519=encodeURIComponent("Disable...

hide your my computer drivesThis is a featured page

This is useful computer tip for home users. You can hide any specific local drive or all drives (physical and removable) of the system and network drives also. This tip is made your pc. Data files and folder safe. By disabling the display of drives, you can safe your personal data from non-technical users For Your single pc. Plz...

reduce booting time of pcThis is a featured page

HOW TO SPEED UP VISTA TIME OF BOOT In Windows vista while booting it uses only a single core of your pc irrespective of multiple cores available. To utilize your processor during boot up follow the steps given below. How Enable booting up with multiple cores: 1)Go to start->run->msconfig and press enter. 2)Select the boot tab. 3)Click on Advanced Options. 4)Check the appropriate number of ports according to [...]...

xp registry tricks

Xp Registry tricks Its a mixed bag.. a compilation of all the tricks.. many tricks are what i discovered.. many are shared .. keep posting if u know more Display Your Quick Launch ToolbarTip: Is your Quick Launch toolbar missing from the taskbar? To display your familiar Quick Launch toolbar: Right-click an empty area on the taskbar, click Toolbars, and then click Quick Launch. Easy as that your Quick Launch bar appears....

tricks u don't know about ur pc

Get Max. download speed from ur Lan n/w here is a simple trick to increase ur download speed 4m Lan Connection … so here is steps to follow: Step 1 :Open ur Device Manager from there locate ur network card & double click on it…. and in advance tab of Network properties locate duplex speed then on right hand side select ½ duplex this is the condition on which Speed depends: so do this and reply whether it works on...

COLECTION of hacks

Windows Logon Box; Wanna Rename It Run regedit and go to HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft \Windows\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Then add or change the key: LegalNoticeCaption REG_SZ="(Title for Box)" And the same for this key: LegalNoticeText REG_SZ="(Message to be displayed in the box)" Wanna Move Your Start Button. How to move or close the start button! 1. Click on the Start button. 2. Press the Esc key. 3. Press the...

yahoo messanger shortcuts keys

Yahoo Messenger is one of the most user IM clients in the world, and many users use it for to IM at work, IM with friends and family and more. Yahoo messenger has several shortcut keys, using which you can buzz a person, add emoticon/smileys to your messages and more. These Shortcut Keys will help you to Chat Fast. General Use Shortcut...

Shortcut keys for Windows Media Player

Shortcut keys for Windows Media Player2009-02-06T06:25:00-08:00SYED MUBALLIGHTips N Tricks|I Shortcut keys are keystrokes that provide a quick way to perform an action. Using shortcut keys you can access the functions of an application quite easily and quickly. In Windows Media Player too, you can use the combination of different keyboard...


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